
Friday, June 28, 2013

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I have a new blog

I'd like to introduce you to my new blog, Couture Collaborations.

Ever since I attended the blogger luncheon back in the fall, I've been thinking about taking this blogging thing to the next level.  This blog is ok; it's a good way for me to express myself and for friends and family to keep track with what we're doing, but it has an identity crisis.  Part personal part fashion/cooking/whatever, I'm not really attracting readers that don't know me personally.  After lots of thinking I've decided on a real grown up blog, which I think is original and could be interesting to people and, oh, I dunno, actually make me some money?  The whole blog will be about the slough of high fashion collaborations with affordable retailers-the best of the best, the big, the obscure, all of it.  You can now go to one place to find out about the latest affordable designer collaborations.  My new blog is a baby, an infant really, so bear with me while I learn my way around WordPress, but I want you all to be my test audience.  Send me emails with constructive criticisms, NAME SUGGESTIONS because I'm not married to the name yet, tips for wordpress and all that good stuff.  I'm thinking about even buying a domain when I settle on the name.  This is the real deal people!  I'm excited!  :) 

Oh yeah, I'll probably still blog here occasionally, with big updates on our life or other random things I want to blab about that don't fit on my new blog. :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012


So the gifts have been given, the baked goods are all eaten, and the confetti has settled.  2012 is here.  Now what?  I guess it’s time for the good ole New Years Resolutions to start flying.  I’ve decided that this is the year that I’m going to grow up and become a lady.  I’m not in college anymore, and while I believe I am mature, I don’t have a lifestyle like what I pictured myself to have at 25, as a married woman.  It's time to act like an adult.  But I also think that Ben and I need to have more fun.  2011 was, quite frankly, a waste of a year for us.  Work was all consuming and we didn’t get to relax, travel, or visit family and friends nearly as much as we would have liked.  Life is too short.  We've got a promising start there, with a trip to New Orleans on the books for this month.  So here are my resolutions, which I plan to tackle slowly, so as to not get overwhelmed.

1.)Make Working Out a Habit

You know those annoying people that set their alarms an hour early every weekday to go run, or who always bring their gym bag to work and actually go to the gym after work?  I would like to be one of those annoying people, preferably the latter because mama needs her beauty rest.  And lots of coffee in the morning before I can do anything useful.  We have gym memberships that we never, ever use, and the waste of money makes me sick thinking of these earrings that I could have bought with that money instead.  So I'm going to start working out, after work, every almost every day.  And no, this isn't one of those cliche resolutions like, "this is the year I will lose 10 pounds and fit into my high school jeans".  While that would indeed be nice, I want to make working out a habit because I know it's good for my health.  It's 2012 people; we know the benefits of regular exercise and if the world doesn't end this year, I want to live for a long, long time.  Plus, my energy is serious lacking.  You would think I'm 90 years old the way I complain about being tired all the time.  And I think working out could help with that situation.  So there ya go.

2.)Make cleaning a habit.

Notice a trend here?  2012 will be the year of good habits.  Remember this post from back in October about keeping my house spotlessly clean in 15 minutes a day?  Yeah, that didn't happen, mainly because of my lack of energy when I get home from work.  So hopefully if I can make resolution 1 happen, resolution 2 will follow.  I did pick up some handy tips on how to make your own cleaning supplies, which is not only good for my health and the environment, but insanely cheap, all of which make cleaning a much more enjoyable experience.  Blog on green cleaning to follow soon.

There, that's it.  Nothing crazy.  It's not like I've promised to floss daily, or something else impossible like that.  I can do this.  I've heard that if you can do something for 30 days, it will become a habit.  I've already screwed up the first 5 days of this month, but starting tonight tomorrow, I'm going to get to work on healthy habits for 2012! 

Tell me your resolutions in the comments!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Found it! Miranda's Designer Bag

A few days ago Miranda Lambert posted this picture on Twitter, showing off her new Stella McCartney handbag from hubby Blake. 

Naturally, I became obsessed, so I tracked it down out of curiosity.  For a mere $1435, you too can own this Stella McCartney Falabella Shoulder Bag.

Gorgeous huh?  But quite the hefty price tag.  For a similarly fabulous look, you could go this route via MICHAEL Michael Kors for $328.

For the gal on a major budget, (aka most of us!) Try this one from Big Buddah for $71. 
I can only imagine what Mrs. Shelton will be getting for Christmas, since this was just a "because I love you" gift!