
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Laissez bon temps roulez!

Whew-it's only Wednesday, but it's been a busy week! My co-worker was out sick for two days in a row, so I've been doing double duty, and that leaves no time for blogging. Anyways, we had a great weekend! Ben was off on Saturday, which was such a treat. We got up bright and early Saturday to prepare for our crawfish boil. We were a little nervous, because we had never thrown a crawfish boil before. It took lots of teamwork, but overall we were successful. We had a really good time, and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. It was so relaxing just sit to outside all day and not really do much of anything! We had a little bit of trouble getting the water to was so windy, the propane flame wouldn't directly hit the pot, so we did a little engineering to block the wind in the cook area.

Travis, (my brother in law,) brought over his patented washer boards from "Warshers, Inc.". *yes, there is an "r" in Warshers Inc.-that's what he wants to name his washer board company.* So the boys pitched washers while we waited on water to boil. (The saying "a watched pot never boils" never rang so took about 3 hours!) The girls played with my niece Avery and fixed dessert, which we ate first. My kind of party!

Finally, we had success! We had to cook them in 3 batches, but it was worth it.

The presentation. (Since our table became a wind blocking device.)

Dig in folks!

Nice setup huh?

I hope we can do it again sometime!

Sunday was an equally lazy day. I forced Ben to watch half of "Gone With the Wind" with me-(don't tell him I said his but I think he liked it, we finished the other half last night.) Sunday evening was a special communion service at church, and our pastors explained the symbolism of Passover, something I hadn't really thought too much about before. They were saying that the blood the Israelites put on their doors to show they were believers and so God would "pass over" their first born son, was early foreshadowing of how the blood of The Lamb would one day save us again. I really enjoyed the service. Just believe, and you will be saved! Afterwards we went to eat at Escalante with some of our small group friends-it was quite tasty. A great weekend-but too short, as usual!

Have a great week!

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