So it's "month end" at work...blah! We have to get all of the previous month's billing finished before we can move on to the next. This means lots of overtime hours and stressful days during the first work week of the month. Monday and Tuesday will be the longest...so I'm really hoping to have some fun this weekend! I'm thinking about going to see my family tomorrow, because my parents just bought a new house this week and I want to help them select paint colors, finishes, etc, and I don't know when I'll have a chance to go down there this month since I already have plans every Saturday in April. It would just be for the day though...so I guess I'll just see. Sunday is Easter! I can't wait to go to church and see all the little kids in their new outfits. I always love that! We are going to have dinner with Missy and Travis Sunday night at their house so we can have a mini-family get together and hide eggs for Avery. I'm going to attempt to make a Julia Child chocolate almond cake, which will be interesting. More on that next week I'm sure...
Tonight Ben and I are going to do this month's "Great Date Experiment." It's this program our church is doing where they provide a creative date guideline and childcare, (which we obviously won't need!) once a month for six months. It is designed to make your marriage stronger and bring back the romance. It's for people who have been married a while, but we are participating anyway! This will be our second great date, and we have reservations a "fancy" restaurant downtown. I'm excited! Is it five o'clock yet????
Have a great weekend!

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