
Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Hey guys!  As you know, my big blogger luncheon at The Prairie By Rachel Ashwell is coming up, (read my post here,) and I've got even more exciting news to share!  My favorite HGTV designer in the history of EVER is going to be at Antiques Week too! EMILY HENDERSON!  Yes, the woman who commented on my blog and I considered putting it on my resume.  SO EXCITED! Ashley and I have decided instead of a day trip, we need to stretch this out into a whole weekend, and I cannot wait to meet Emily!  I have my Rachel Ashwell inspired outfit all put together, but what will I wear to meet Emily on Saturday?  I have nothing in my closet, so I turned to dear old Polyvore.  (How I've missed you!)  Here is my perfect outfit situation for Antiques Week shopping/rubbing elbows with HGTV stars.

antiques week


Yup, that necklace is totally Stella & Dot, and you can totally buy it from me here.  Note the very important flat and closed toed shoes, a large bag, and a hat to beat the Texas heat.

What do you think?  How lucky am I?  I'll be sure to blog all the juicy details!

1 comment:

  1. Your outfit is too cute! I hadn't even thought of what I was going to wear yet!! Now I'm going to have to plan. Looking forward to meeting all the bloggers!!
